Saturday, August 11, 2012

Carlsbad Caverns

This post is for Wednesday, August 8.

This is Taylor. Wednesday morning, we drove 3.5 hours to get to Carlsbad Caverns. It was super ugly. There was just ugly desert plants around everywhere. We parked the camper at a ycky RV place with really disgusting bathrooms. If you got to Carlsbad Caverns, here's a tip: don't stay at the RV place in Whites City.

Then we drove to Carlsbad Caverns National Park. We got to tickets to tour the cave. When we went on the elevator, we were going so fast down that I had to swallow and yawn fifty times because my ears kept popping.

When we went into the cave, my mouth dropped open. It was so neat - even the first site. There was all these formations of stalagmites, stalagtites, soda straw, popcorn, and all sorts of stuff. Walking around the cavern was so amazing. We saw a rock called Rock of Ages. A long time ago, they were doing a tour with the ranger when there was a blackout in the cave. All of a suddent someone started singing Rock of Ages and other people joined in. That's how that rock formation got its name. We tried to take lots of photos of the cave but they didn't work very well because of the low light.

After touring the cave, we drove down the hill to see the bats. First, we listened to a program. A ranger told us that lots of bats were dying because of a fungus called something like white nose fungus. The white fungus would grow on the bats and make them wake up when they were hibernating. And then they go look for food, but there's no food around because they're supposed to be hibernating. So they fly around until they run out of energy and starve to death. When the bats came, they were amazing. Tons of tons of bats flew out the cave at once. I thought they sort of looked like gants except for more amazing. One bat flew right over my head. When we left, it was late. We drove down this curvy road to get to the campground. I got really sick and threw up. I won't give you the details of that. At the campsite, the electricty didn't work so we we tried to run the car and charge the battery so we could run the fans because it was really hot. It helped a little, but the fans still went out in the middle of the night.

outside the bat program - see the desert behind us


  1. BATS!! When I was a little girl, we used to go outside at night, and there would be dozens of bats flying around the street lights. The boys often threw rocks at them to get them to leave. Mostly, they just scared me!

  2. These caves are another place I've always wanted to go. Did you get some good postcards? You'll have to send us one. I love caves!

  3. Hi this is Olivia.I think that picture of the caves is so neat.I want to go their to now that I saw that

  4. We saw bats in Zion when we were driving home from your campsite. Grandma Huber
